
Macka B's Wha Me Eat Wednesdays 'Organic'

14 Просмотры· 08/01/24

Macka B's Wha Me Eat Wednesdays 'Organic'

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Organic if you can try and get organic
If you can't don't panic
Organic if you can try and get organic
Try go pon it
Organic should be no pesticides
Organic should be naturally fertilized
Organic no chemicals fi inside
Organic like nature provide
Taste better got a better flavour
Real organic food is something to savour
More nutritious I would say delicious
For the environment it is the saviour
I know what you're saying it’s expensive
But health is wealth it is what it is
A little bit can go a long way
So get what you can that’s what I say
It makes sense more nutrient dense
I’m talking from experience
Me feel that my body is worth the expense
My budget for my defence
But don’t panic here’s a next thing
You don’t have to buy organic for everything
Some fruits have thick skin no pesticides in
And some no need pesticides for growing
Reality me have to talk the thing
Some use organic for marketing
Check it out do some researching
Remember your food is medicine

#WHAMEEATWEDNESDAY #mackab #organic #organicfruits #organicvegetables #homegrown #organicproduce #organicfood

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