Macka B's Medical Monday 'Thyme' (REFIX)
Macka B's Medical Monday 'Thyme' (REFIX/THROWBACK)
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Its Medical Monday I think it's time
Time to do a rhyme about Thyme
Culinary herb medically inclined
Thyme has really stood the test of time
Long time it has been on the scene
Should have its own Thyme Magazine
Used a lot in Jamaican cuisine
A lot of good recipes they have it in
Watch wait a minute
Even used in Ancient Egypt
Antibacterial, antiseptic
Time has got a lot of health benefits
Respiratory digestive diuretic
Antifungal antibiotic
Make a tea you can infuse it
Make the oil nuff people use it
Time flies but I realise
Thymes a repellent of insects and flies
Got many uses fresh or dried
Versatility nature provide
It's strong got a lot of potency
Take heed woman in pregnancy
Check a health care provider do it properly
Everything's not for everybody
You’ll find, there is a lot to Thyme
Food and medicine should be combined
That is the last line,
Because sadly I have run out of time
The information contained in these topics is not intended nor implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, it is provided for educational purposes only.
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified healthcare provider before starting any new treatment or discontinuing an existing treatment.