
19 Views · 10 months ago

I am join by Karen Churchill and Steven Thomas to discuss the successes and difficulties in getting the dangerous 5G technology removed from our streets.

Rally for Sanity - we do not consent to Smart City 5G Trials: https://t.me/+Vc-LzHaD4LVjYzk0 Telegram group 'Rally for Sanity Bath Sunday 7th July ' outside the council buildings to oppose smart city trials.
Fundraiser: https://www.gofundme.com/f/adm....in-fees-for-litigant

National Residence Association: https://www.nationalresidentsassociation.co.uk/
5G and Smart Cities: https://www.gov.uk/government/....news/new-initiative-

Newsletter for case updates : https://rfinfo.co.uk/

Good source of articles and news: https://safetechinternational.org/ -
We have settled on the date of Sunday 7th 2pm to meet outside the council buildings 15 High St, Bath BA1 1JG

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Shungite: https://www.ftwproject.com/ref/497
Thanks to Black Cat Computers for hosting and running my website: https://black-cat-computers.com/

My Website: https://richardvobes.com/
My Rumble Channel: https://rumble.com/user/Vobes

The English Couple - https://www.youtube.com/@the-english-couple
Julia's channel - https://www.youtube.com/@JuliaHartley
The Naked Englishman Podcast - https://nakedenglishman.co.uk/

#5g #smartcities #pushback